Wednesday, October 6, 2010



Everyone has to start somewhere. I'll start while on my lunch break on the 5th floor of the building where I work in downtown Portland. I notice that I mention that a lot, I guess I'm just proud to live and work here considering where I was a year ago (actually, exactly a year ago we had just arrived here, but you know what I mean).

Since then I have found an apartment, a car, a job and figured out how to get to and from the grocery store without getting lost- the essentials. My relationship with my boyfriend was tested in those beginning months but we both passed with flying colors and enjoy each others company more and more each day. I guess I didn't think I had enough on my plate when I decided to open an etsy shop after making some origami paper flowers for my boyfriends' sister's wedding this summer. We were in Michigan for a week and between sleeping in and swimming at the lake I found time to make 15 or so flowers as table decorations for the wedding and everyone just loved them! I was blown away. So I came home and opened up my shop a couple weeks later and have had great success!

I've wanted to start a blog for a while now but felt so overwhelmed by the blogging world that I just haven't done it. I've kept livejournals, regular journals, lived in poetry for a couple years and kept every email my close friends and I have ever traded. I am a word addict and I need to get back to indulging in my addiction and never a better time to start than now. I will also be posting my latest updates in the flower world, my newest creations, my train wrecks, successes and disappointments.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the right name for my blog and I didn't want to use "danamazing" since I use that in almost every other facet. I almost went with "Dana and paper and Portland" which I like but lately I'm stretched so thin and bordering on exhaustion so I decided on The Dana Machine, so welcome to the tour!

And since this is my very first blog post (a monumental moment) here also is my very first advertisement for my etsy shop:

I made this bridal bouquet for a very sweet woman named Sara Beth who is having her wedding next year; she just received it and loves it! This was my first bridal bouquet sale on etsy and was a very special moment for me.



  1. Congratulations on your move to Portland - I love Oregon. I'm glad you were able to get a job and that things worked out with your boyfriend.

  2. That bouquet is wonderful!! Welcome to the blogging world :)

  3. I love your flowers, good luck with your new blog.
